[public] 140K views, 6.14K likes, 176 dislikes audio only
4KThanks to all the athletes who competed in the USAPL Garden State Winter War. And thanks to Geno Biancheri for being one of the finest announcers I've ever seen in powerlifting.
My Life In Powerlifting ► /youtube/video/FVZPZ6g2t2s
A FULL DAY OF EATING ON A CUT (Fat Loss Week 1) ► /youtube/video/AK1qalR3awY
Fat Loss Vlog ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL26HeTCO57qdk9OhgCEea7T-viu4eJqoX
Life ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL26HeTCO57qeB6N6B12qELbpGiZx7FWaS
Music: Lifeformed https://lifeformed.bandcamp.com/
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