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DOWNLOAD THE CHAOS MOD: http://thronebutt.com/mods/24 The assassin is now a playable character in this Chaos mod, made by ideaot. Right click ability is to throw knives and if u dont move for a certain amount of time you go stealth, where enemies won't attack you. Until you touch them or you attack first.
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Horror + YV Quad Loop Co-op With (former) World Record Holder Ideaot (the creator of this mod) ► /youtube/video/y7wqyCEHUYc
Co-op With World Record Holder Time Crusher ► /youtube/video/BpBhmPejp0w
How to Install Nuclear Throne Mods ► /youtube/video/CdovekYs6Ro
Chubbyemu's First Impressions of NECROPOLIS: A Diabolical Dungeon Delve! ► /youtube/video/u1T-SLq1AsA
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Outro Music:
Loonie- Apfel Kaputt 2