[public] 3.19K views, 94.0 likes, 4.00 dislikes audio only
LINK TO MOD: https://bob-the-seagull-king.itch.io/hells-gate-a-wasteland-kings-mod
WASTELAND KINGS is an early game-jam version of NUCLEAR THRONE.
Hells Gate is a mod is being made by one dude and is in a very early access. This mod intends to, by the end of it's development, be a total overhaul of the games assets and include new game play to bring it into the world as it's own game.
The game is made in Wasteland Kings and NOT the typical update 19 so many features are not in this game. Because of that expect some old features to be here. If you encounter any game-breaking bugs report the error message to the current Reddit thread (which will always be found at "https://www.reddit.com/r/ntmods").
Chubbyemu Plays Wasteland Kings (i had ~60 amigos at the time of recording) ► /youtube/video/AYWs1Rbqh2A
I Get Pissed at Nuclear Throne ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rERygbn4b4
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Outro Music:
Loonie- Apfel Kaputt 2