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When you think of ultrasound, the first things that probably come to mind are baby scans and denture cleaners. But ultrasonics is a massive and fascinating field with so much more capability than just cleaning. From sonic knives to sonic welding, all it takes is a bit of sonic power to make materials behave in really strange but useful ways.
Today we build one such device which is an ultrasonic homoginizer. These are great little tools for popping open cells or mixing samples quickly, and can be used to make interesting emulsions as well as luminescent light if you get everything just right.
This was my first metal lathe project and I've got to say I absolutely loved it! I'm very exciting for lots more machining videos in the future.
Lindsay Wilson "tuning ultrasonic horns" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E7zlQEk5MA&t=1s
This Old Tony Knife - /youtube/video/pFeek0a8s7Q
Sonic Welding - /youtube/video/bZkhuhjPp7Q
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