video thumbnail 5:38
Postcards from backstage: Katie and Semi-Eulerian Graphs


[public] 58.7K views, 2.00K likes, 26.0 dislikes audio only

See Hugh's postcard of death here: /youtube/video/b23i3NhFLDc

Rob’s postcard is over here: /youtube/video/AB-FA75Tm1I

More about Maths Inspiration shows for sixth formers:

We have 2017 shows in Manchester, Winchester, London, Birmingham, Cambridge and Cardiff. I’m speaking at half of them. More shows to come in 2018.

Maths Fest 2018 will also be in London and Birmingham:

Check out more of Katie’s videos.

She is also on Numberphile.


Thanks as always to my Patreon supporters. Here is a random subset:

Alex DeMartino

James Tanner

Daniel Dewhirst

David Wagner

Patrick Woitala


- People have pointed out you cannot have a graph with only one odd node. This is indeed correct (or indeed any odd number of odd nodes). But we'd argue you definitely cannot draw over a graph which does not exist. Sorry for not being more explicit!

- Let me know if you spot anything else!

Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions

Music by Howard Carter

Design by Simon Wright

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician


Maths book:

Nerdy maths toys:

Postcards from backstage: Hugh and the Wall of Death Units 53,842 views
Postcards from backstage: Rob and the Anti-Monty-Hall Problem 55,699 views