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Postcards from backstage: Hugh and the Wall of Death Units


[public] 52.8K views, 1.63K likes, 25.0 dislikes audio only

See Katie’s postcard here: /youtube/video/dFvzUNMU1Lo

Rob’s postcard over here: /youtube/video/AB-FA75Tm1I

More about Maths Inspiration shows for sixth formers:

We have 2017 shows in Manchester, Winchester, London, Birmingham, Cambridge and Cardiff. I’m speaking at half of them. No, that does not mean I am speaking at 1,008.5 shows. Ha ha everyone who suggested that last time.

Maths Fest 2018 will also be in London and Birmingham:

Check out more of Hugh’s videos.

He has been on Stand-up Maths before, and will return again!


Thanks as always to my Patreon supporters. Here is a random subset:


Alan McNea

Clément Brisset

Susan Moury

Sebastian Robbins


None yet. Let me know if you spot anything!

HONORARY CORRECTION: Yes, the audio is a bit rubbish. We were rushing around backstage filming during gaps in the show and messed-up the levels. Sorry about that!

Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions

Music by Howard Carter

Design by Simon Wright

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician


Maths book:

Nerdy maths toys:

Postcards from backstage: Katie and Semi-Eulerian Graphs 59,303 views
Postcards from backstage: Rob and the Anti-Monty-Hall Problem 55,699 views