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Significant Figures in Measurements


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With only 2 rules, you can record any measurement from any instrument with the correct number of sig figs. One rule is for digital readouts and the other is for analog readouts. Examples include measuring a length with calipers vs a ruler and measuring the volume of a liquid with a graduated cylinder.

Time Stamps:

0:00 Introduction

1:07 Last Digit is an Estimate

2:03 Digital Readout (Calipers)

2:34 Analog Readout (Ruler)

3:29 Volume of a Liquid Using a Graduated Cylinder (Bottom of Meniscus)

#SignificantFigures #SigFigs #Chemistry

Last Digit is an Estimate
Digital Readout (Calipers)
Analog Readout (Ruler)
Volume of a Liquid Using a Graduated Cylinder (Bottom of Meniscus)
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