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4KSee how to draw Newman Projections of butane & the potential energy for all conformations in a complete rotation about the carbon-carbon (C2-C3) bond. Learn terminology like anti, gauche, syn, dihedral angle, and steric hindrance (which is the same as steric strain).
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Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction - Molecular Model of Butane
0:33 Molecular Model of Butane and Line of Sight
1:32 Drawing a Newman Projection of Butane with a Dihedral Angle of 0 (Syn Conformation)
2:37 Dihedral Angle
3:00 Potential Energy Diagram Intro
3:17 Drawing Lot of Newman Projections Quickly
3:22 Explaining the Potential Energy Diagram for One Complete Rotation of C2-C3 Bond in Butane
6:53 World Languages and Chemistry
#Conformation #NewmanProjection #chemistry