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Newman Projections of Ethane


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How to draw Newman Projections, why they're useful, eclipsed vs staggered conformations, and the potential energy & stabilities for all conformations

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Time Stamps:

0:00 Introduction - Molecular Model of Ethane

1:18 How to Draw Newman Projections (Staggered Ethane)

3:03 Newman Projection of Eclipsed Ethane

4:14 Stabilities and Potential Energies of Staggered and Eclipsed Conformations

5:56 Potential Energy Plot of Full 360 Degree Rotation about C-C Bond in Ethane

#Conformation #NewmanProjection #chemistry

Conformations & Isomers (Cat Analogy & Molecular Models) by Chemistry in a Nutshell
Introduction - Molecular Model of Ethane
How to Draw Newman Projections (Staggered Ethane)
Newman Projection of Eclipsed Ethane
Stabilities and Potential Energies of Staggered and Eclipsed Conformations
Potential Energy Plot of Full 360 Degree Rotation about C-C Bond in Ethane
Chemistry in a Nutshell Ph.D. chemist. I love the challenge of figuring out the best way to explain things. I'm open to video suggestions.
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