[public] 989K views, 33.2K likes, 397 dislikes audio only
At the University of Manchester's High Voltage Laboratory, we see what happens when a DJI Phantom 3 drone gets hit with an electrical impulse of 1.4MV - basically, a lightning strike. Actually, two Phantom 3 drones. We had a backup.
Thanks to the team at the High Voltage Lab! Here's their side of the story: http://www.mub.eps.manchester.ac.uk/science-engineering/2017/04/10/drone-vs-lightning/
And here's a teardown of the drone: http://www.mub.eps.manchester.ac.uk/science-engineering/2017/05/11/inside-the-drone/
The University of Manchester's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/universitymanchester
You can also follow on Twitter:
The HV Lab http://twitter.com/HighVoltage_UoM
Vidyadhar Peesapati http://twitter.com/DrViddy
Manchester Energy http://twitter.com/mcr_energy
Main camera: Fraser Cottrell / http://www.frasercottrell.com
Edited by Michelle Martin / @mrsmmartin
Audio mix by Matt Gray / http://www.mattg.co.uk
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