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At the University of Salford's Energy House, all the energy use is monitored and controlled, allowing researchers to experiment with all sorts of insulation and energy-saving techniques. But how to control for factors like sun, wind and rain?
The solution: put the whole house inside an environmental chamber: a building inside a building that means the weather is controlled, repeatable, and part of the science.
Thanks to all the team at the University of Salford's School of Built Environment: you can find more about them, and about the house, here: http://www.salford.ac.uk/built-environment/research/research-centres/applied-buildings-and-energy-research-group
And they're on YouTube here; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe4nyWoHW3jkNXOyqldsHYQ
This video edited by Michelle Martin (@mrsmmartin)
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