[public] 105K views, 1.73K likes, 14.0 dislikes audio only
See full description for all links to videos and papers (and other stuff).
This film features Professor Persi Diaconis from Stanford University.
Main video: /youtube/video/AxJubaijQbI
Extras 1/3 (this video): /youtube/video/1jfm42Qd7Qw
Extras 2/3: /youtube/video/c_Hunaf0tWw
Extras 3/3: /youtube/video/RIGJH12vVCY
Persi Videos: http://bit.ly/Persi_Videos
Cards and Shuffling Videos: http://bit.ly/Cards_Shuffling
Trailing the Dovetail to its Lair (7 shuffles)): http://bit.ly/1xU6uPI
Shuffling Cards and Stopping Times: http://bit.ly/1FR0ca1
Overhand Shuffles: http://bit.ly/1LNBSuU
Magical Mathematics by Persi Diaconis and On Graham: http://bit.ly/MagicalMath
Coin Tossing Video: /youtube/video/AYnJv68T3MM
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
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