
From Personal wiki

LXC container, connected to the internet and used for downloading everything. It has readwrite access to relevant mountpoints and has wget, youtube-dlp, ffmpeg, rsync and lftp as downloader/converter software installed.


Completely automatic ETHZ-video lecture recording downloader. It reads dir;url lines from /mnt/video/lectures/urls.csv where dir is a directory under /mnt/video/lectures and link is a RSS feed of an ETHZ video lecture series. It parses the xml and extracts the enclosure:links to the .mp4 files and their pubDate. Then the video_url is downloaded to /mnt/video/lectures/{dir}/%Y-%m-%d.mp4. It prints a last line reporting the work done: amount of feeds fetched, files detected (which are mentioned in the feeds but also already downloaded) and new files downloaded.

Some lectures require user authentication. For that, a my_cookie variable holds the login. When requesting the json urls, it adds the Cookie: and User-Agent: <some browser> headers. Those lectures are somethimes pathological and will not work on rss. The fallback is to fetch a json endpoint that seems to give similar information, though on a per-episode basis. Those are then cached in /mnt/video/lectures/{dir}/json/{episode_id}.json, and they contain the pubDate and url to the actual mp4 file.


Fetches archived git repositories, runs automatically. Contains urls for which repos to fetch inline in a heredoc. If a repo is new, git clone it. Else git pull it. To then display those in Lada#Gitea, see there for the slightly clumsy import process.


Fetches software repositories to /mnt/software/{repo_class} for offline (or pre-fetched) availability on higher speed local connection:

  • Through rsync: fetches archlinux and artixlinux entire package repositories. Also fetches database files allowing completely functional package mirror operations, see Lada#Arch and artix package mirror.
  • Through wget: fetches archzfs repo.


Fetches the newest .osc.gz daily changefiles from openstreetmap for osm container into /mnt/maps/tmp/, to be processed by Osm#Data_updates. The latest already imported changefile is identified by its sequence number, and that written to /mnt/maps/state.txt. The state number therefore refers to which changefiles have already been downloaded. Whether they are in the database is indicated if they are removed from /mnt/maps/tmp or not. Because this file presence/absence shows whether a changefile was successfully or not imported to database, the maps dataset is a subdataset of dbp which hosts the entire database: a recursive snapshot always contains a self-consistent state of the data. See Osm#Filesystem for details.


For regularly downloading youtube videos to be displayed in Lada#Youtube. Because Perun container has network passwordless readwrite access to Lada#db_videos, this script is entirely self-contained for adding or refreshing information on youtube videos, channels or playlists. Uses the python module yt_dlp and ffmpeg as main dependencies. The regularly scheduled task is as follows:

  1. Download newly uploaded videos to /mnt/youtube/{channel_id}/{video_id}.mkv. On network errors, keep retrying
  2. Move thumbnails to /mnt/icache/youtube/{channel_id}/{video_id}.{img_fmt}.
  3. Clean up temporary download files like .part and pre-transcoded files like .webm. Those were kept by yt-dlp to allow for resuming downloads instead of restarting them when the internet is very slow or unreliable. By this point, they will not be useful anymore.
  4. Trigger a database rescan :
    1. Look at all video files in /mnt/youtube that are not in the database yet.
    2. Add them by reading from the deduced .info.json, and deduce thumbnail by corresponding .{img_fmt}.
    3. Generate same-size and same-aspect-ratio (640x360p) thumbnails to /mnt/icache/youtube/{channel_id}/{video_id}.360p.{img_fmt}, with ffmpeg.
    4. For any special video files like .1080p.mkv, add them to their parent video as altvideos.
  5. Fetch sponsorblock segments of all recently added videos.
  6. Download .html pages of videos which do not yet have them, and then parse that html to extract cards information and load that into cards and cards_ranges tables in db.
  7. Check if 1080p versions are missing: download to /mnt/youtube/{channel_id}/{video_id}.1080p.mkv if the video necessitates a smaller 1080p version. See Lada#Youtube for these database specifics.
  8. Rescan database to add those .1080p videos.
  9. Again like step 3 remove .part and similar temporary files.

This main script also allows for maintenance tasks to be run, like:

  • re-downloading all .info.json files of any video present in the database and updating that info.
  • downloading playlists of channels and adding those to the database.


Multistep process to update podcast mirrors. Has database acces on Lada#db audio. Performs a fully-automated:

  • Fetch url, which it gets from dbname=audio podcasts:url.
  • XML parses the not-yet in database <item>s
  • Imports those to database and wget-downloads to the correct location in /mnt/audio/{podcasts:isradio?"radio":"podcasts"}/{podcasts:directory}/{filename}.
  • Deduce youtube_ids of newly downloaded episodes, iff podcasts:yt_channel IN NOT NULL.
  • For any recent youtube_ids, re-fetch the sponsorblock segments and load them to the sponsorblock database
  • Check publication statuses of episodes and if they have not yet been published but have already been downloaded for some threshold (48h), publish them. This is to allow for sponsorblock segments to be submitted in that interval

This also requires the given podcast's data fromat quirks to be specified/hardcoded in /home/user/ for how which XML keys should be translated or converted into data for the database: <summary> and <description> items are sometimes used differently by various podcasts. Also checks database contstraints like string lengths or filesize in advance.

These quirks are not all trivial, for example:

  • /home/user/ is used to parse HTML and remove attributes of some tags and remove some tags (while preserving children of those tags). It can be used to compress the descriptions as it removes cluttering attributes and <span> tags that have no attributes. This script takes escaped ( &&amp;, <&lt;, >&gt;) HTML as both input and output (that's how it's stored in database).
  • Filenames are not always unique if you just take basename(url). The workaround is to detect a hash-like parent diectory in the url, hoping that is unique (it has always been), and then adding that to the filename: e.g. {hash}_{basename(url)=default_128.mp3}.

Maybeplanned is to move the parser's per-podcast storage to database to make it cleaner (a podcasts_parse child_of(podcasts) table), but it is only for ~5 podcasts anyway, and source code python storage as strings would be clumsier than it is now; and a custom format for key->function mappings is also a no-go.


Python script to download NASA's astronomy picture of the day (apod). The production process at NASA takes full advantage of the html format with the following:

  • description text with hyperlinks, to the rest of the internet and to past apods as well
  • hyperlink to a high resolution version, on the image
  • sometimes an <iframe> video instead of an image
  • javascript that, on mouse hover over the image, changes the src=... to another copy of the image, with annotations
  • javascript tracking link

The initial download of the html is done with wget, with settings to download dependencies as well. But this is not enough and a python-based html parser does the rest, checking href=... links, and iframes. It then downloads those locally and rewrites the link in the .html, and also removes the javascript tracking.

A regex match also tries to find any of the onhover javascript .src=... changes and downloads those locally if they are images.

Because the apods link to eachother, a recursive download is also implemented. By default, a recursion depth of 4 starting from all apods after 2023-01-01 is run regularly. This means any apod link is locally available, up to a depth of 4.