w h e r e t o g e t m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n 189
Sight Savers International
Grosvenor Hall, Bolnore Road, Haywards Heath
West Sussex RH16 4BX, UK
phone: (44) 4-446600
fax: (44) 4-446685
e-mail: scastle@sightsaversint.org.uk
Works with local partners in 25 countries, providing
eye care, cataract surgery, education, and training.
World Blind Union
ONCE – La Coruña, 18
28020 Madrid, Spain
phone: (34-1) 571-36-85; fax: (34-1) 571-57-77
e-mail: umc@once.es; http://umc.once.es
Has member organizations in most countries, with
programs in rehabilitation, education, training,
health care, and income generation.
printed materials
An Orientation and Mobility Primer for
Families and Young Children
Dodson-Burke, Bonnie, and Hill, Everett W.
American Foundation for the Blind
P.O. Box 1020
Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143 USA
phone in USA: 800-232-3044
phone outside the USA: (1) 412-741-0609
fax: (1) 412-741-0609
Blindness and Early Childhood Development
Warren, David H.
American Foundation for the Blind (see
address above)
Children With Visual Impairments: A
parents’ guide
Holbrook, M. Cay, editor (395 pages, 1995)
Woodbine House, Inc.
6510 Bells Mill Rd.
Bethesda, Maryland 20817, USA
This book provides parents with guidance and
support in caring for their child with a visual
impairment. It covers such topics as diagnosis
and treatment, family adjustment, child
development, early intervention and special
education, mobility and orientation, multiple
disabilities, and thinking about the future.
Dancing Cheek to Cheek
Meyers, Laura, and Lansky, Pamela
(33 pages, 1991)
Blind Childrens Center
P.O. Box 29159
4120 Marathon St.
Los Angeles, California 90029, USA
phone in USA: 800-222-3566;
phone outside USA: (1) 323-664-2153
fax: (1) 323-655-3828
e-mail: info@blindchildrenscenter.org
Explores nurturing strategies for fostering early
social interactions, language development, and
Disabled Village Children: A guide for
community health workers, rehabilitation
workers, and families
Werner, David (654 pages, 1999)
The Hesperian Foundation
1919 Addison St., Suite 304
Berkeley, California 94704, USA
phone in USA: 888-729-1796
phone outside the USA: (1) 510-845-4507
fax: (1) 510-845-0539
e-mail: bookorders@hesperian.org
Early Years, a Series
Royal National Institute for the Blind
American Foundation for the Blind (see
address above)
These booklets provide important information
on caring for children who are visually impaired
from birth to age 10 years. The booklets include
information about medical terms and health
professionals, caregiving advice, information for
educational professionals working with children
who are visually impaired, play and the visually
impaired child, information on the importance of
mobility education.
Fathers: A Common Ground
Armenta-Schmitt, Fernanda (50 pages,
Blind Childrens Center (see address above)
Investigates the role that fathers play and the
concerns of fathers in raising children who are
visually impaired.
First Steps: A handbook for teaching young
children who are visually impaired
Blind Childrens Center (see address above)
203 pages, 1993
Written in easy to understand language, this
handbook is for both parents and professionals
who care for children with vision problems.
Strategies for teaching are also explored.
helping children who are blind