Where to Get More Information
Here is a small selection of organizations and printed materials that can provide useful
information about blindness and young children. We have tried to list organizations and
materials covering as many of the topics in this book as possible, and to include groups working
in all areas of the world. Many of the printed materials are easy to adapt and often include other
helpful resource lists.
Blind Babies Foundation
5016 Mission Street
San Francisco, California 94112, USA
phone: (1) 415-586-6140
fax: (1) 415-586-6279
e-mail: bbfinfo@blindbabies.org
Source of materials and publications, videos, and
fact sheets for families with infants and young
children who are blind.
Christoffel Blindenmission International
Nibelungenstrasse 124, D-64625
Bensheim, Germany
phone: (49) 6251-131-0; fax: (49) 6251-131-165
e-mail: overseas@cbm-i.org
Operates eye units, mobile eye-care services, village
health centers, schools, and training institutions in
94 countries.
Helen Keller International
USA: 90 West Street, 2nd floor
New York, New York 10006, USA
phone: (1) 212-766-5266
Africa: P.O. Box 11728, Niamey, Niger
e-mail: hkiniger@intnet.ne
phone: (227) 75-33-14
Asia: Jl. Bungur Dalam 23A
Kemang, Jakarta 12730, Indonesia
phone: (62) 21-719-8147
Trains local partners in developing community
gardening projects to grow vegetables and fruits to
prevent blindness.
Hilton/Perkins Program
Perkins School for the Blind
175 N. Beacon St.
Watertown, Massachusetts 02472, USA
phone: (1) 617-972-7220; fax: (1) 617-923-8076
e-mail: collinsm@perkins.pvt.k12.ma.us
Provides technical assistance and support for the
development of programs for multi-handicapped
blind and deaf-blind children in developing
Lighthouse International
111 East 59 Street
New York, New York 10022, USA
phone in the USA: 800-829-0500
phone outside the USA: (1) 212-821-9200
fax: 212-821-9707
e-mail: info@lighthouse.org
http: //www.lighthouse.org
Many useful on-line English language publications.
National Association for the Blind (NAB)
11 Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Road
Worli Sea Face, Mumbai 400 025, India
phone: (91) 22-493-6930
Branches in 18 States and 64 Districts in India,
providing education, rehabilitation, training, and
residential programs.
PLAN International
Chobham House
Christchurch Way, Woking
Surrey GU21 1JG, UK
phone: (44) 1483-755155
fax: (44) 1483-756505
Works directly with communities and families in
40 countries, providing material aid and services.
PLAN’s child sponsorship program supports about 1
million children.
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
224 Great Portland Street
London W1N 6AA, UK
phone: (44) 020-7388-1266
fax: (44) 020-7388-2034
e-mail: helpline@rnib.org.uk
Many on-line publications and useful links. The
RNIB also produces an international database with
detailed information about agencies for people who
are blind: