Helping Health Workers Learn
by David Werner and Bill Bower. Indispensable for teaching
about health, this heavily illustrated book promotes effective
community involvement through participatory education. Includes
activities for mothers and children; tips for using theater, flannel-
boards, and other techniques; and ideas for producing low-cost
teaching aids. 640 pages
Helping Children Who Are Blind
by Sandy Niemann and Namita Jacob,
aids parents and other caregivers in helping
blind children develop all their capabilities.
Topics include: assessing what a child can
see, preventing blindness, moving around
safely, teaching common activities, and
more. 192 pages.
Where There Is No Dentist
by Murray Dickson, promotes care for the
teeth and gums, and prevention through
hygiene, nutrition, and education. Includes
information on using dental equipment,
placing fillings, taking out teeth, and new
material on HIV/AIDS and oral health. 237
Helping Children Who Are Deaf
by Sandy Neimann, Devorah Greenstein,
and Darlena David, helps parents and other
caregivers build the communication skills
of young children who do not hear well.
Covers signed and spoken methods, assessing
hearing loss, exploring causes of deafness, and
more. 250 pages.
Disabled Village Children
by David Werner, covers most common
disabilities of children. It gives suggestions
for rehabilitation and explains how to make a
variety of low-cost aids. Emphasis is placed on
how to help disabled children find a role and
be accepted in the community. 672 pages.
To order books in English or Spanish,
or to learn more about our work, contact us at:
Hesperian Foundation
PO Box 11577
Berkeley, California, 94712-2577
tel: (510) 845-4507
fax: (510) 845-0539