Books and other printed materials
Books 381
A Woman’s Guide to Coping with Disability
Esther Boylan (ed.)
Resources for Rehabilitation
33 Bedford Street, Suite 19A
Lexington, MA 02420, USA
Written by women with disabilities; personal
accounts and experiences cover the stigma of
disability, its challenges, and prevention. Includes
general information and further resources on specific
disabilities: arthritis, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis,
and spinal cord injury.
AgeWays and Aging and Development
HealthAge International
67-74 Saffron Hill, London EC1R OBE, England
Tel: (44-207)278-777
Fax: (44-207)713-7993, (44-171)447-203
These free journals are printed 2 times a year.
HelpAge has a network of over 50 organizations
worldwide, working to achieve a lasting improvement
in the quality of life for older persons.
Breast Awareness:
Taking Care of Our Breasts (booklet)
Women’s Health Information & Support Centre
120 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4JA. England
Tel: (44-0151)707-1826; Fax: (44-0151)709-2566
Easy-to-read, heavily-illustrated booklet on how to
give a breast exam. Written by and for women with
learning troubles, but useful for all.
Women’s Health Information & Support Centre
has also published:
Having a Mammogram: X-ray of the Breasts,
Going to the Breast Assessment Clinic at the
Breast Unit, and Having a Smear Test.
Building an Inclusive Development
Community: A Manual on Including
People with Disabilities in International
Development Programs
Karen Heinicke-Motsch and Susan Sygall (eds)
Mobility International USA
P.O. Box 10767, Eugene, Oregon 97440, USA
Strategies for including persons with disabilities in
a wide range of development programs, including
health care.
Also available from Mobility International USA:
Loud, Proud and Passionate:
Including Women with Disabilities in
International Development Programs
C. Lewis and S. Sygall (eds.)
A great resource for starting a group to empower
women with disabilities and train them in leadership
skills. Includes profiles of individual women as well
as groups, their strategies, successes and failures.
Couples with Intellectual Disabilities
Talk about Living and Loving
Karin Schwier Melberg, Woodbine House
5615 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852, USA
Tel: (1-301)897-3570
Tel in the US (toll-free): (800)843-7323
Fax: (1-301)897-5838
Fifteen interviews with couples with disabilities
reveal their personal stories on finding love,
companionship, and happiness.
A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities 2007