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INTEGRATION 03 - Making an RPG in Unity (E12)


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In this episode we hook up the attack animations to the combat system.

Download files here (start/end Unity project, updated player.blend, and sword/shield icons):

Brackeys' channel:

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adding the combat animations to our game
delete all of the equipment except for the sword
setting the weight of layer two to one
set the weight of the right hand layer to one
set the layer weight to zero
create a protected character combat variable
activate the animators attack
swap out the default attack animation for a random animation
make a public array of these weapon animations
loop through all of the weapon animations
set back to the default attack animation set
drag the punch clip into the replaceable attack animation slot
Sebastian Lague Hello, on this channel I explore how to create stuff out of code. I hope you find some of it interesting!
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How to make an RPG in Unity by Brackeys
RPG Graphics by Sebastian Lague