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When we change our habits, we change our lives. Gretchen Rubin stops by Google for a conversation with Logan Ury.
From Gretchen Rubin, bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Happier at Home, comes a groundbreaking new book that will change your perspective on habits forever.
Whether good or bad, habits are the invisible architecture of our everyday lives. Habits shape our existence and our future; we repeat about forty percent of our behaviors every day. But while changing habits may be simple, it’s not easy. And most of us have no idea where to start.
Gretchen Rubin is one of the most thought-provoking and influential writers on happiness. Her pioneering work on the subject, which is at the heart of her bestsellers The Happiness Project and Happier at Home (which have sold more than two million copies worldwide), has sparked powerful conversation about the human search for happiness.
Now, in a provocative yet practical new book, BETTER THAN BEFORE: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives (Crown; On Sale March 17, 2015), she turns her attention to the crucial question: How do we change our habits?
With her signature mix of rigorous research, easy humor, and personal experimentation, Gretchen identifies and illustrates the core principles of habit change. In doing so, she answers questions such as:
--At times I’ve picked up a habit overnight, but other times it takes years to develop. Why?
--Why do some people resist habits while others adopt them eagerly?
--I want to help my child/spouse/colleagues make a change. What can I do?
--How can I keep my healthy habits when I’m surrounded by temptation?
--Why can I make time for everyone else, but I can’t take time for myself?
--Why do I find it tough to create a habit for something I love to do?
As BETTER THAN BEFORE makes clear, and as we all know from practical experience, there is no one-size-fits all solution. To change our habits, we must first figure out ourselves. Some people do better when they start small; others, when they start big. Some thrive with occasional breaks from good habits, while others do better when they never break the chain. When we choose the strategies that work best for us, going to the gym can be as automatic as putting on a seatbelt. Filing expense reports or passing up that piece of chocolate cake won’t drain us. With a foundation of good habits, we can build a life that reflects our values and goals.
Whether you’re a perpetual procrastinator; a yo-yo dieter; a pack-rat; a leader who would like to see employees work better and be healthier; or a parent who wants to instill good habits in your child, BETTER THAN BEFORE will help you harness the power of habits to create lasting change.