[public] 15.9K views, 285 likes, 39.0 dislikes audio only
Main video: /youtube/video/LqKpkdRRLZw
Coloring by Tiffany Arment: https://twitter.com/tiffanyarment
Our previous Collatz Conjecture video: /youtube/video/5mFpVDpKX70
The Collatz Colouring image is included in the book Visions of the Universe (USA NAME) and/or Visions of Numberland (UK NAME).
Alex Bellos books on Amazon: http://bit.ly/BellosBooks
More Alex Bellos videos: http://bit.ly/Bellos_Playlist
Sound effects via felix.blume, hisoul, and ERH
Here's a blog post with everything neatly pulled together: http://www.bradyharanblog.com/blog/the-collatz-conjecture-in-colour
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