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Everyone should be aware of our impact on the planet and our potential DOOM! I want everyone to switch to electric cars, and a virtually infinite range would interest the buyers. Let’s do it!
It would be pretty awesome if you support ElectroBOOM at Patreon:
My tee-shirts: http://teespring.com/stores/electroboom
The Keysight scope giveaway winner is announce in comments.
Enter your school for tools: https://goo.gl/forms/VAgRre8rLVvA1cEi2
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Thanks a lot to www.keysight.com for supporting the giveaways. Make sure to subscribe to their channel: https://www.youtube.com/keysightlabs
Also thanks to http://CircuitSpecialists.com for proving my essential lab tools and giveaways.
Below are my Super Patrons with support to the extreme!
Nicholas Moller at https://www.usbmemorydirect.com
The Guitar Rig Guru at https://www.altium.com/
Alex Bakhuizen
My sponsors and top patrons: http://www.electroboom.com/?page_id=727
Article: effects of climate uncertainty and risk tolerance: https://www.earth-syst-dynam.net/9/1085/2018/
By: Mehdi Sadaghdar
#ElectricCar #GlobalWarming #SavethePlanet #ElectroBOOM