[public] 1.40M views, 153K likes, dislikes audio only
4KThe @royalalberthall is 150 years old; the roof is 600 tonnes of glass and steel. And it turns out that there's a terrifying technicians' trampoline, acoustic-dampening mushrooms, and a complete lack of connections.
Thanks to everyone at the Royal Albert Hall: https://www.royalalberthall.com/
Camera by Jamie MacLeod https://www.jamiemacleod.co.uk/
Aerial operations by Phil Conrad and Freddie Conrad from Photodrones https://www.photodrones.com
Edited by Taran van Hemert https://www.youtube.com/taranvh
(The Royal Albert Hall is within the Hyde Park no-fly-zone. Drone operations were specially permitted and approved by the aviation authorities.)
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