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Finally, a Mathologer video about Pythagoras. Featuring some of the most beautiful and simplest proofs of THE theorem of theorems plus an intro to lots of the most visually stunning Pythagoranish facts and theorems from off the beaten track: the Pythagoras Pythagoras (two words :), 60 and 120 degree Pythagoras, de Gua's theorem, etc.
Things to check out:
The cut-the-knot-list of 121 beautiful proofs of the theorem (Marty and my new proof is number 118): https://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/index.shtml
The book featuring 371 proof is The Pythagorean Proposition by Elisha Scott Loomis. In particular, check out the "Pythagorean curiosity" on page 252, I only mention some of the curious facts listed here) https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED037335.pdf
The nice book by Eli Maor, The Pythagorean Theorem: https://press.princeton.edu/titles/9309.html
Marty and my new book The dingo ate my math book https://bookstore.ams.org/mbk-106/
Marty and my webstite http://www.qedcat.com/
As usual thank you very much to Marty and Danil for all their help with this video.