[public] 829K views, 41.9K likes, 569 dislikes audio only
Transforming a boring white wall into... something else. I'm not sure. But I think I like it. Thanks Audible for sponsoring this video! For a free 30-day trail and 1 free audiobook go to: http://audible.com/simone or text simone to 500500 📚➡️👂
Also thanks Laura Kampf for helping out. She's the best and makes really pretty videos about making really pretty things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRix1GJvSBNDpEFY561eSzw
Foot mural posters on sale now! My abs suffered greatly for this: https://teespring.com/mural-painted-with-feet
If you're a freelance editor looking for work, send us an email at apply@thebrag.media. Premiere Pro preferred. And my files are a mess so beware.
I'm giving away the fork-Ariana-Grande-tiger-painting and some other things on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simonegiertz
👇 places where I post things 👇
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