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Guy Fawkes Night in the UK is a time for bonfires and fireworks. Here's some "death mix" to shed light on things.
Check out Destin's bonfire film at /youtube/video/w-s3NTuw-To - it's worth a look.
Zirconium video: /youtube/video/gNJE2MPktvg
Strontium video: /youtube/video/d5ztPGrsgNQ
Barium video: /youtube/video/9srJdQU3NOo
Flame test video (bottled oxygen): /youtube/video/O3ZuimXdObE
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From the School of Chemistry at The University of Nottingham: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/chemistry/index.aspx
Periodic Videos films are by video journalist Brady Haran: http://www.bradyharan.com/
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http://www.youtube.com/DeepSkyVideos (Space stuff)
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http://www.youtube.com/wordsoftheworld (Modern language and culture)
http://www.youtube.com/PhilosophyFile (Philosophy stuff)