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Copper Sulfate Colour Change - part of our "Berzelius Day" uploading 24 videos in 24 hours. Full video containing this reaction at: /youtube/video/kop1sWzTK-I
NOTE FROM THE PROFESSOR: This reaction converts a blue solution of CuSO4 to a red precipitate of Cuprous oxide Cu2O. It does so be oxidizing the tartrate ion (which contains C, H and O) to CO2 and H2O. Therefore, there are not enough anions in the solution for both the Cu and K to exist as salts and the Cu is converted into its oxide
See our 24 reactions playlist as it unfolds at: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6E4F35510525FFF7
Berzelius Day explained: /youtube/video/wDXUDq2KLM4
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From the School of Chemistry at The University of Nottingham: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/chemistry/index.aspx
Periodic Videos films are by video journalist Brady Haran