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Why is it so Easy to be Thin in Japan?


[public] 21.1M views, 543K likes, 9.6K dislikes audio only

Comparing the food environment of the U.S. to Japan's.

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This video highlights the difference between the food environment of America and Japan. America's obesity rate is about 30% (biggest state is 37.7%, smallest 22.3%) whereas Japan's obesity rate is 3.5%

While there's other countries on each side of the obesity spectrum, I chose to compare these two because I grew up in America and spent the last 7 years here in Japan. The places that I describe as "reasonably healthy" in Japan aren't necessarily places I recommend as "optimally healthy" - I'm simply point out that while convenient food in America ranges from very unhealthy to unhealthy, convenient food in Japan ranges from very unhealthy to pretty healthy.

Big thanks to Itchban for letting me use his footage (6:30 - 6:48):

Featured Music:

Broke for Free - As Colorful as ever

Graphiqs Groove - Deep Sky Blue

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WhatI'veLearned is creating video essays | Patreon
What I've Learned This is about connecting the dots, making conclusions and weighing that against modern dogma. Lately I'm focusing a lot on health since it's so important yet there's so much conflicting information about it; I am also keen on enhancing productivity, enhancing cognitive capability and general self improvement. My general goal is for each video to provide some takeaway that's applicable in your daily life. If you'd like to help me continue to get videos out consistently, please think about contributing on Patreon MERCH HOW TO FAST T-Shirt : EGG SHIRT:
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