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Rumelhart, D. E., Mcclelland, J. L. (1987). Parallel Distributed Processing, Volume 1: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition: Foundations. United Kingdom: Penguin Random House LLC.
Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks. (2000). United Kingdom: MIT Press.
Prince, S. J. (2023). Understanding Deep Learning. United Kingdom: MIT Press.
Crevier, D. (1993). AI : the tumultuous history of the search for artificial intelligence. New York: Basic Books.
Cat and dog face dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/andrewmvd/animal-faces?resource=download
Minsky, M., Papert, S. (2017). Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry. United Kingdom: MIT Press.
Widrow, Bernard, and Michael A. Lehr. "30 years of adaptive neural networks: perceptron, madaline, and backpropagation." *Proceedings of the IEEE* 78.9 (1990): 1415-1442.
Olazaran, Mikel. "A sociological history of the neural network controversy." *Advances in computers*. Vol. 37. Elsevier, 1993. 335-425.
Widrow, Bernard. "Generalization and information storage in networks of adaline neurons." *Self-organizing systems* (1962): 435-461.
Widrow, Bernard. "Thinking about thinking: the discovery of the LMS algorithm." *IEEE Signal Processing Magazine* 22.1 (2005): 100-106.
Technical Notes
Method for counting neurons in ChatGPT: Starting with GPT-2 implementation here: https://github.com/karpathy/build-nanogpt/blob/master/train_gpt2.py - keys, queries, and values are implemented in Linear layers with n_embd inputs and 3*n_embd outputs, where n_embd is the embedding dimension. Output projection layer has n_embd and n_embd outputs. So a single attention layer will have ~4*n_embd neurons. GPT-3 has an embedding dimension of 12,288, so each attention layer has ~49,152 neurons. Each MLP block has n_embd inputs, 4*n_embd hidden units, and n_embd outputs, so ~5*n_embd total neurons, or ~61,440. Total neuron count for GPT-3 is then 96*(49,152+61,440)=10,616,832, ignoring initial embedding and final unembedding. Finally, GPT-4 reportedly has ~1.8 Trillion parameters (https://semianalysis.com/2023/07/10/gpt-4-architecture-infrastructure/), making it ~10x larger than GPT-3. Note that GPT-4 is reportedly a mixture of experts, and not all experts are used for each inference, so it appears that not all 1.8 trillion parameters are used for a given inference call. Assuming that ~10x the parameters means 10x the neurons, then GPT-4 should have ~100M neurons.