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2560×1440Altium Designer: https://altium.com/yt/greatscott!
Previous video: /youtube/video/n9QpmIBFfcQ
Mark Robers Domino Robot video: /youtube/video/8HEfIJlcFbs
AI Robot video: /youtube/video/EvK2ZQbMn8o
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Parts list (affiliate links):
Arduino Nano: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_APAGPx
LM298: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_A7krD3
DC Motors: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_ANbG8N
USB Type C PD Trigger Board: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9w9JCZ
RC Transmitter & Receiver: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_ALrheN
In this project we will be having a closer look at omniwheels. Such wheels can (like the name implies) move in any 2D direction without turning. That makes them ideal for saving energy and time and they can also very precisely move the robot to a specific spot. There are of course many more advantages and applications which is why I was eager to find out more about them. So in this video I basically built my own omniwheel robot to learn more about the topic while also determining whether it is worth it to build such a robot design.
Websites which were shown/mentioned in the video:
Thanks to Altium for sponsoring this video.
0:00 What are Omniwheels?
1:35 Intro
2:10 DIY Omniwheel Build
4:30 Robot Build
8:02 First Robot Test (Spin around)
8:20 Omniwheel Moving Theory & Code
9:05 Final Tests & Improvements
10:03 Verdict