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I'M IN THE GAME?! | Nuclear Throne


[public] 17.3K views, 434 likes, 14.0 dislikes audio only

Thanks to @PizzaIngredient for making this! It is available here:

Nuclear Throne Together:

How To Load Spritemod:

ANGRY YOUTUBE RANT ► /youtube/video/ST54jXrSutg

THE PLAGUE DOCTOR (Nuclear Throne Ultra) ► /youtube/video/wojjC1UkV5w

FREYA'S BIG KNOCKERS (Battlerite) ► /youtube/video/FHKhiHZQt7s

YOU WISH YOU HAD THIS MUCH FUN (Enter the Gungeon) ►

My Mental Breakdown ►

Life ►

Fitness ►

Must See Content ►

Weekends with Bernie ►

5 Tips to Improve Your Nuclear Throne Game (dont hate me for #3) by Chubbyemu
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Chubbyemu I make medical videos, telling stories in medicine. These are variations on cases I, or my colleagues, have seen in the past. The main goal of these videos are to tell a story about people, as we each have a unique story to tell. This channel was created in September 2015 as a way for me to create something I could call my own. The earlier videos served to teach me how to make a video, as I have no background in filming, editing, etc. That early content was following trends of the time, learning how best to approach my lack of understanding of video. I hold no responsibility over what you do with your or anyone's body after watching any of my videos. You should not recreate any of the presented situations. These videos are not and are not intended to be medical advice. I do not give individualized medical advice over the internet. I am a licensed provider trained and based in the United States.
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