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Hello and welcome to another instalment of "Exurb1a lectures you on matters he himself knows nothing about".
Books what I wrote, yo ► https://tinyurl.com/ycnl5bo3
I also make horrendous music ► https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1
Discord server ► https://discord.gg/76ybBSR (just in case that doesn’t work: discord.gg/exurb1a)
Help me to do this full-time, if you're deranged enough ► https://www.patreon.com/exurb1r?ty=h
I've been on my deathbed with flu for about the last ten days. As a little survival tactic I started watching The Leftovers. And pinch my ears and call me Rupert, it's the best example of feelings, pictures, and ideas I've ever seen. Do yourself a favour and check it out—you won't be disappointed.
Music used ►
Outro music – Reminiscence by myself, free download: https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1/reminiscence
Salut d'Amour – Funk Beast in Chief, Elgar: