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Introduction to Game Development (E23: stealth game 1/3)


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In this episode we begin our small stealth game project by creating a "guard" that can patrol a path.

Note: I made a small error in my "TurnToFace" implementation, which means the guard is unable to turn anticlockwise. The reason is that DeltaAngle() can return negative values, so I should actually be comparing the absolute value of the delta angle. I will fix this at the start of the next episode. Sorry!

Project files:

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create an empty game object
loop through all of the children in the path holder
loop through each index of our waypoints array
move the guard towards the target waypoint with transform position
moving between each waypoint
create a new light object
rotate to face the next waypoint
rotate towards this target angle at a time
Blender to Unity Character Creation by Sebastian Lague
Create a Game (Unity 5) by Sebastian Lague
Sebastian Lague Hello, on this channel I explore how to create stuff out of code. I hope you find some of it interesting!
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