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How to grow Bananas : The Abyssinian Banana - Ensete maurelii Red Banana Care Tips.
Winter hardy to USDA Zones 10-11. On Vancouver Island Zone 8b plants may be grown outdoors during the growing season and must be brought indoors for overwintering or they will not survive. Plants are best grown in organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun. Plants need consistently moist soils that do not dry out. Fertilize plants regularly during growing season, I do twice a month. Plant bananas in areas protected from strong winds which can badly damage the leaves. For containers, use a well-drained potting soil mix. Keep container soils consistently moist but not wet. Plants must be overwintered indoors, either in a sunroom/greenhouse or by forcing plants into dormancy. Either Bring the plant indoors in fall before first frost and place container in a large sunny room for overwintering as a houseplant, with reduced water and fertilization or If the plant is too large to bring inside as a houseplant, cut foliage back to 6-8' in fall after first frost, and store container in a cool, dark, frost-free corner of the basement until spring, with periodic addition of a touch of moisture as needed in winter to prevent the soils from totally drying out.
ORCHID CARE, CARNIVOROUS PLANT CULTURE, GARDENS, GREENHOUSES & MORE... Hosted By Brad Taylor... Welcome to my channel & Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE while your here, In fact SUBSCRIBE now ...I'll Wait... Alright Thanks for stopping by for some cool "how to" videos, various awesome "plant update" videos some relaxing orchid videos PLUS a bunch of other crazy and interesting "stuff"! I be showing you how to water, bloom, re-bloom, re-pot, fertilize and create the ideal conditions for your Orchids and Carnivorous plants. My Channel is all about Info on Orchids, Greenhouses, Carnivorous plants, Gardening and more... Please stay a while and check out some videos about all kinds of rare and interesting plants and gardens. Don't forget to Subscribe!.