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A Wife Wiped Back To Front Instead Of Front To Back. This Is How Her Husband's Organs Shutdown.


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Patient EN by Wolfgang Nelson, Cupcake by Cupcake Windle, PA Mike Burling

Clean water and clean hygiene are very important

A Wife Was Found With Another Man. This Is What Was Done To Her Organs. ► /youtube/video/AOw7F2iF3Ao

Music by @Lifeformed ►

Music by T4N3 ►

Medicine (playlist) ►

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.


Foodborne Giardiasis in a Corporate Office Setting.

Food-borne Outbreak of Giardia Lamblia.

Hypokalemic Myopathy Induced by Giardia Lamblia.

Extra-intestinal and long term consequences of Giardia duodenalis infections

Halliez MC, Buret AG. Extra-intestinal and long term consequences of Giardia duodenalis infections.

Chubbyemu We tell stories in medicine. These are variations on cases we, or our colleagues, have seen in the past. The main goal of these videos are to tell a story about people, as we each have a unique story to tell. For general contact email us at contact at chubbyemu dot com. Business inquiries only to the email below. You should not recreate any of the presented situations. These videos are not medical advice. Chubbyemu does not and will not give individualized medical advice over the internet. Videos are produced by Dr Bernard with a team of physicians, clinical pharmacists and scientists.
A Wife Was Found With Another Man. This Is What Was Done To Her Organs. 692,629 views