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I guess we should regulate ouija boards, eh? ok is it awkward if I offer to sell you a shirt now: https://store.dftba.com/products/tau-day-shirt
But while shirts are good capitalism and all, my work is almost completely supported through crowdfunding on Patreon. There's some fun perks over there if you want to join the cult. I mean... be the audience to my secret arts. https://www.patreon.com/vihart
These good patrons have given particular support, thank you: Caleb Wright, Albert Wenger, Pat Devlin, Jack Heidrick, Jade Bilkey, David Perryman, Chris Pierik, Donald "Chronos" King, Carol Ghiorsi Hart, Andrea Di Biagio, Charley Sheets, Jodi Vezzetti, Andew Romaner, David A Smith, Michael Tiemann, and Yana Chernobilsky!
It is not inevitable that we ruin everything! People are good at stepping up and doing not-ruining, sometimes.