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How many different World Cup results can a team have?


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Cases for the group stage are below or in this spreadsheet:


W, W, L 6 GAMES: B beats A A beats C A beats D B beats C D beats B D beats C

Team_A L, W, W 6

IN Team_D L, W, W 6

OUT Team_B W, W, L 6

Team_C L, L, L 0

W, D, D 5 GAMES: A beats B A and C draw A and D draw C beats B D beats B C and D draw

Team_C D, W, D 5

IN Team_A W, D, D 5

OUT Team_D D, W, D 5

Team_B L, L, L 0

W,D, L 4 GAMES: B beats A A beats C A and D draw B and C draw D beats B C and D draw

Team_D D, W, D 5

IN Team_A L, W, D 4

OUT Team_B W, D, L 4

Team_C L, D, D 2

W, L, L 3 GAMES: B beats A A beats C D beats A C beats B D beats B D beats C

Team_D W, W, W 9

IN Team_A L, W, L 3

OUT Team_B W, L, L 3

Team_C L, W, L 3

D, D, D 3 GAMES: A and B draw A beats C A and D draw B and C draw B and D draw C and D draw

Team_A D, W, D 5

IN Team_B D, D, D 3

OUT Team_D D, D, D 3

Team_C L, D, D 2

D, D, L 2 GAMES: A and B draw A and C draw D beats A B and C draw D beats B D beats C

Team_D W, W, W 9

IN Team_B D, D, L 2

OUT Team_A D, D, L 2

Team_C D, D, L 2


- Right at the end I say 141 when I mean 142.

- I said Australia didn’t get out of the group stage in 2014 World Cup but did in 2010. tbyrn21 has pointed out it was actually the 2006 World Cup when Australia last made it past the group stage! Feels like yesterday.

- If you spot anything else let me know!

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Music by Howard Carter

Filming and editing by Matt Parker

Stand-up Maths design by Simon Wright

Psychic Pets design by Adam Robinson

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician


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Psychic Pets: can your pet predict the World Cup results? 54,244 views
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