[public] 1.67M views, 88.5K likes, 1.12K dislikes audio only
Many people sent me this story: it covers my favourite topics of power grids and temporal anomalies. But when the mainstream press have already covered it, how could I add something more? The answer: by adding another pet topic, Unnecessary British Patriotism. And a teasmade.
Teasmade: http://amzn.to/2oYrvxb [aff. link]
Update, April 8th 2018: they fixed the dispute, and ran the grid at 50.01Hz for a few weeks: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/04/european-grid-dispute-resolved-lost-6-minutes-returned-to-oven-clocks/
If you liked this, you may also like the video I made on how engineers keep the grid stable, and why it's getting more difficult: /youtube/video/5uz6xOFWi4A
Audio mix by Matt Gray: http://mattg.co.uk
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