[public] 118K views, 20.8K likes, dislikes audio only
4KLearn more about Jane Street’s internship opportunities: https://jane-st.co/SUM-internships
Check out Steve’s video: /youtube/video/FMRi6pNAoag
This is Ryan’s Diffusion Illusions site: https://diffusionillusions.com
And here is the full “Diffusion Illusions: Hiding Images in Plain Sight” paper by Ryan Burgert, Xiang Li, Abe Leite, Kanchana Ranasinghe and Michael S. Ryoo. https://diffusionillusions.com/assets/diffusion_illusions.pdf
Download of the jigsaw: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rennmoqgzjdup5uof7qna/jigsaw_jumbled.pdf?rlkey=u4v18cwbvut672hqx895tqga0&dl=0
Here’s the layout of the different edge types: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dvylpftby1uzlrmpdt1mp/matt-jigsaw-layout.pdf?rlkey=512hqdr9y9h5mxjonhxiwhsy4&dl=0
Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They provide all the valid solutions I need. https://www.patreon.com/standupmaths
- None yet, let me know if you spot anything!
Filming by Alex Genn-Bash
Editing by Gus Melton
Written and performed by Matt Parker and Steve Mould
Produced by Nicole Jacobus
Music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson
Dice on loan from the Bec Hill collection
MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
Website: http://standupmaths.com/