[unlisted] 500K views, 32.3K likes, 296 dislikes audio only
It's been a long time since I've done a quiz or game show on this channel, but finally: introducing Lateral! Pull down this description for links to everyone's channels. Joining me are:
Helen Arney, http://helenarney.com @helenarney
Kat Arney, https://katarney.com @Kat_Arney
Simon Clark, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRRr_xrOm66qaigIbwFLvbQ @simonoxfphys
Sally Le Page, https://www.youtube.com/user/shedscience @sallylepage
EDITED BY Michelle Martin @mrsmmartin
GRAPHICS BY Support Class https://supportclass.net
MUSIC BY Tobias Stich
DIRECTED BY Matt Gray http://mattg.co.uk
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👥 THE TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES: https://youtube.com/techdif