[public] 146K views, 18.6K likes, dislikes audio only
4KSign the petition now! https://mathsballs.com/
Pre-order Love Triangle to read about the Impossi-ball. https://mathsgear.co.uk/products/love-triangle-by-matt-parker-signed
All UK options: https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/44315...
All USA options: https://bit.ly/3wCTesR
Check out Jon-Paul's balls: https://www.tiktok.com/@jonpaulsballs
Huge thanks to Jon-Paul and Allison for making the ball and inviting us to their studio. https://12p.com/
Thanks to everyone at Liverpool FC for being so accommodating and friendly.
Tim's home sustainability tech channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TimAndKatsGreenWalk
And his foot donut game: https://stone-baked-games.itch.io/foot-donut-demo
Humble Pi stand-up special is on Maths Gear as a download, and all the other places.
This was my original video from 2017: /youtube/video/btPqKAGyajM
The UK government parliamentary petition and official government response: https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/202305https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/202305
Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. This would be impossiball without you. https://www.patreon.com/standupmaths
- None yet, let me know if you spot anything!
Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash
Written and performed by Matt Parker
Produced by Nicole Jacobus
Maths of the Day music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson
MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
Website: http://standupmaths.com/
New book: https://mathsgear.co.uk/products/love-triangle-by-matt-parker-signed