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4KI finally rebuilt a project from 13 years ago… except this time I have a high speed camera! Today we're exploring waves, and how VERY careful timing of those waves can build into resonance. I've got a bunch of fun high-speed demos of waves on strings, many of which certainly fell into the "man I really just wanted to see this work, but now that I have it, it will be a great video" category :D
There's also a section on the Mythbusters' incarnation of "Tesla's Earthquake Machine", and why they weren't able to use resonance to bring down a steel truss bridge. The key is ALWAYS tracking the energy, but this time, we also see where the simple resonance model breaks down, and when you would need to bring out the big math ._.
So many demos demonstrate standing waves, but my goal here was to film the transient - I wanted to be able to show how those standing waves form - what does a SINGLE wave look like if you use it to build resonance? I honestly gained a much better understanding of standing waves after seeing this high speed footage, and I hope you do too!
Hope you enjoy!
Massive thanks to my top Patreon supporters!
John Sosa Trustham
Vladimir Shklovsky
Aloysius Sparglepartz
Jason Whatley
Lohann Paterno Coutinho Ferreira
Jeffrey Mckishen
Eugene Pakhomov
Glenn Willen
Nick F
Mirko Rener
Chris Connett
Tyler Filla
Miles Freeman
Benjamin Manns
Seth Reuter
Danny Thomas
Toby T
Lucy Fur
David Antoš
Chris Duvarney
Nick Wage
John T
Jack Serrino
Ethan Sifferman
0:00 Building resonance with a DIY wave machine
3:14 Resonance is sensitive
5:24 MULTIPLE waves on a string?
11:00 Standing wave hero shot
12:15 Tesla's Earthquake Machine
13:54 Exponential decay
16:29 Breaking stuff costs energy
18:06 How do waves TRAVEL on strings?
20:29 When the simple model fails - big waves
25:07 Wrap up - Tacoma Narrows
Media Credits:
I Dunno by grapes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) http://ccmixter.org/files/grapes/16626
Arcadia - Wonders by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100326 Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Ravenswood Bridge, Analogue Kid, Creative Commons Attribution license