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Come and see the previews for my new untitled stand-up show on 10 February, 24 March and 23 June. Grab tickets now: https://festivalofthespokennerd.com/tickets/
Check out content from folk who bravely contributed data to the Schmatt Pain Index:
Mark Bowler: https://www.youtube.com/@aFieldBiologist - find out how we captured these insect in his latest video: https://youtu.be/ZACS1ck9n0c
Michael and Dani: https://www.instagram.com/the_wayfinders_/
Hugo Cliff: https://www.instagram.com/hugocliff_rainforest/
Greg Foot: https://www.instagram.com/gregfoot/ And Greg is doing a new schools talk "Rainforest Lab" https://www.gregfoot.com/talks
Thanks to Rainforest Expeditions for inviting us to visit their Research Centres in Peru and facilitating us getting stung by things in a safe environment. Read more about the research being done in the rainforest by Wired Amazon. They take science research volunteers as well as offering paid trips.
Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. Their support never stings. https://www.patreon.com/standupmaths
- None yet, let me know if you spot anything!
Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash
Written and performed by Matt Parker
Produced and drone piloted by Nicole Jacobus
Animations by William Marler
Music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson
MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
Website: http://standupmaths.com/