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Most of our pop culture assumptions about the Heaven and Hell come from a single source: Dante's Divine Comedy. A work that was so important that it may have sparked a reformation in the Catholic Church.
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Overly Sarcastic Productions - Classics Summarized:
Inferno - https://youtu.be/gp8JGQk0CFQ
Purgatorio - https://youtu.be/8-ImAfevCOM
Paradiso - https://youtu.be/a8WGz3cEpuo
The Divine Comedy - Translated by Clive James
Digital Dante - Annotations For Each Canto
Older Translation by James Finn Cotter
Video Credits -
Hercules (1997)
What Dreams May Come (1998)
KICKED OUT OF JAPAN! (i’m sorry) - Logan Paul Vlogs - https://youtu.be/bCsVKbha2EU
Lucifer "Manly Whatnots" - Season 1 Episode 4 (2016)
THE WHITE ROOM | Chris & Jack - https://youtu.be/qjtQSMe0VeI
Family Guy "The Thin White Line" - Season 3 Episode 1 (2001)
The Matrix (1999)
Photo Credits Located Here -
Intro/Outro and Background Music by Michael Cotten/Nomad
Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/album/0zCYP8rPoTWYoldR70bIiI
Amazon ► https://amzn.to/2zbsfHd
Intro Art and Channel Avatar by PoetheWonderCat
Hashtags: #religion #history #dante #heaven #purgatory #inferno #paradise #paradiso #purgatorio #literature #church #god #jesus #afterlife #hell
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