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I love string shooters because they behave so counterintuitively. I was able to get hold of this prototype and make a few modifications to try and explain why the string does what it does!
You can discuss this video on REDDIT: https://stvmld.com/8s-_c-_8
You can pre-order the zipstring here: https://zipstring.com
Mehdi's final video on the Chain Fountain is here: /youtube/video/ExMU6EN7uQU
The Chain Fountain playlist is here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcqX4UMXNKEdNBKABT3ZF6Fvu5Jkq3OxB
Bruce Yeany's string shooter video is here: https://youtu.be/rffAjZPmkuU
Here are the two videos I've made about impedance mismatch:
I got the gyroscope from here: https://www.gyroscope.com
You can buy my books here:
You can support me on Patreon here:
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