[public] 21.0K views, 584 likes, 36.0 dislikes audio only
Watch the first part here: /youtube/video/Owgxw8d4L84
Find my spreadsheets here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B58y_Ndv-8xiN3hDMFlFbVVVRE0?usp=sharing&authuser=3
I recognize that much fewer people will be interested in this video, but I felt that I owed it to those of you that do actually want to try it out.
I tried to be as clear as possible, but if you have any questions after the video, PLEASE reach out. I feel very strongly about time management and I want to help you out to get a system that works for you.
This type of system is good for entrepreneurs, the self employed or anyone who is serious about their time.
Music: [p h i l o] - 2007