[public] 1.87M views, 92.8K likes, 784 dislikes audio only
Kids learn languages really easily, don't they? There's this thing in your brain that just works it out -- but it switches off when you're an adult. Right? Well, maybe. But it's not that simple.
Written with GRETCHEN MCCULLOCH: http://gretchenmcculloch.com - http://twitter.com/GretchenAMcC
[Update: her book BECAUSE INTERNET is out July 2019! https://gretchenmcculloch.com/book/ ]
More from Gretchen at ALL THINGS LINGUISTIC: http://allthingslinguistic.com - http://twitter.com/AllThingsLing
Directed by MATT GRAY: http://mattg.co.uk - http://twitter.com/unnamedculprit
And more from me: http://tomscott.com - http://twitter.com/tomscott