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A Boy Ate 75 Chicken Nuggets Everyday For 7 Years. This Is What Happened To His Eyes.


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good nuggets

in-depth: @HemeReview

secret channel: @BigEmus

Music by @Lifeformed

Music by @T4N3

Other music inspired by R Prince, performed by Chubbyemu

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A TikToker Inhaled Whipped Cream Propellant And It Ruined His Life. â–º /youtube/video/RiYUlUzLGPw

A Man Squatted 500 Pounds After Chugging 3 Energy Drinks And This Happened. â–º /youtube/video/Gqgp5zqmk14

A Man Ate Pork Tacos From An Illegal Food Truck. This Is What Happened To His Brain. â–º /youtube/video/lPRzYJwqz6g

Medicine â–º

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.


Toxic optic neuropathies: an updated review.

Toxic and Nutritional Optic Neuropathies-An Updated Mini-Review.

Nutritional blindness from avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder — recommendations for the early diagnosis and multidisciplinary management of children at risk from restrictive eating.

Food selectivity and sensory sensitivity in children...

Optic Neuropathy in a Child With Vitamin A Deficiency: A Case Report and Literature Review.

Case 25-2024: A 12-Year-Old Boy with

Compressive Optic Neuropathy Secondary to Sinonasal Undifferentiated in a Young Male.

Chubbyemu We tell stories in medicine. These are variations on cases we, or our colleagues, have seen in the past. The main goal of these videos are to tell a story about people, as we each have a unique story to tell. For general contact email us at contact at chubbyemu dot com. Business inquiries only to the email below. You should not recreate any of the presented situations. These videos are not medical advice. Chubbyemu does not and will not give individualized medical advice over the internet. Videos are produced by Dr Bernard with a team of physicians, clinical pharmacists and scientists.
A Man Ate Pork Tacos From An Illegal Food Truck. This Is What Happened To His Brain. 4,041,881 views