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Learnfun and Playfun are software I wrote to automate the playing of Nintendo games. In this series I show the AI playing various games (some good, some bad) with color commentary. Games in this episode: Super Mario Bros., Color A Dinosaur, Cliffhanger, Pro Wrestling, Pinball, Mega Man 2, Gradius, Double Dare, Arkanoid.
Episode 1: /youtube/video/xOCurBYI_gY
Episode 2: /youtube/video/YGJHR9Ovszs
Website with code and paper: http://tom7.org/mario/
Tom 7's Invincible Web Site: http://tom7.org/
My 48h Ice Hockey-inspired game "Age of Umpires": http://radar.spacebar.org/f/a/weblog/comment/1/1089
Time I ran a 10k in hockey skates: http://radar.spacebar.org/f/a/weblog/comment/1/1100