[public] 2.15M views, 104K likes, 841 dislikes audio only
Watch the Planet Earth II trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8aFcHFu8QM&index=1&list=PLtra-MWzIvZG5bgcXUvX25lzfOBJU3h4V
**The series will be broadcast on BBC One in the UK this Sunday at 8pm and on BBC America from January 28th**
The Kauaʻi ʻōʻō: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaua%CA%BBi_%CA%BB%C5%8D%CA%BB%C5%8D
For more on langauge-origin theories, this book is very good: https://www.amazon.com/First-Word-Search-Origins-Language/dp/0143113747
music from
and http://www.audionetwork.com