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We've built a couple radio telescope on this channel over the years. The first took a picture of the sky in microwave frequencies and the second took a picture of wifi signals in a building. This time we're scaling up both the size of the telescope and the quality and utility of the build.
Part of being a radio telescope is that it also happens to fulfill the role of satellite tracker which will allow us to receive data from more satellites that ever before. We looked previously at getting images from NOAA satellite, but they also put out a higher resolution image at a higher frequency near where the antenna is tuned to. Further, this exact antenna has been used for GOES 16 reception so we'll give that a try when my new filter arrives.
Everything was either off the shelf or cut with a small CNC mill, but could be made by hand with sufficient patience. The SVG files for building on of these for yourself will be uploaded next week,
Antenna: https://ebay.to/2AzaIZR
Follow up Video:
DIY Satellite Tracker Part 2 - /youtube/video/smWwjiOIAYI
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